Powerlifting meets are LONG days, squat then wait a few hours, bench press..few more hours and then deadlift. At the end of the day I understood why gym records are just that gym records and meet records are the real deal. Well Pete Skip and I did really well in our first PL meet. We had little Joe as our coach and he did a great job of timing our warm-ups, coaching during the lifts, managing the Tork, etc.
Back Squat:
Pete 425,440,455
Eric 305,315,330
Bench Press:
Pete 330, 350, 385miss
Eric 205, 215, 225miss
Pete 405, 450, 470
Eric 330, 360, 375
Personal Records:
Pete 455 squat and 470 deadlift
Eric 330 squat and 375 deadlift

Two first places, Pete was 1st place in Am Raw 275lbs and I was 1st place in Am Raw Police 220lbs