that was the beginning of a long and exciting journey for both myself and eric. it's going on 9 yeats since that picture was taken and since then myself and eric have done alot of shit. that was a good time for both of us, lots of training, back then people didn't know what mma was, when they asked us what we did and we told them they would be like what is mma, now it's the fastest growing sport out there and kids will be growing up to mixed martial artists. good times
that was the beginning of a long and exciting journey for both myself and eric. it's going on 9 yeats since that picture was taken and since then myself and eric have done alot of shit. that was a good time for both of us, lots of training, back then people didn't know what mma was, when they asked us what we did and we told them they would be like what is mma, now it's the fastest growing sport out there and kids will be growing up to mixed martial artists. good times