Monday, May 30, 2011

Off the cuff Total Workout


Bench: 235lbs (PR)
Squat: 385lbs
Deadlift: 418lbs
Total: 1038lbs

Bench: 227lbs (PR) 185lbs x 7 (PR)
Squat: 315lbs
Deadlift: 356lbs
Total: 898lbs

Monday, May 23, 2011

Upcoming Events for Darwin Barbell Club

Clarke: The 2011 Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon features a 1.5-mile swim through frigid waters from Alcatraz Island to the shores of the St. Francis Yacht Club, a grueling 18-mile bike ride, and a demanding 8-mile run through the trails of the Golden Gate Recreational Area.

Eric: 1st Powerlifting Meet

Joey: Hartford NAGA (same day and location of Powerlifting Meet)

Joe R: August 7, 2011. Connecticut Open Olympic Weightlifting Championships, Bluestreak Sports Training, Stamford, CT.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Evolution of Dave Tate

Here is a link to Date Tate's article on his training evolution

The Evolution of Dave Tate

Here are more detailed articles about each stage of his career

Phase 1 - Progressive Overload

Phase 2 - Bodybuilding

Phase 3 - Return to Powerlifting

Stay Tuned For:
Phase 4 -Westside Method
Phase 5- Mobility/Joint Heath Period

Friday, May 13, 2011


I had to take an Army APFT today on 3-days notice. No Big Deal or is it? The Army APFT is 2min of max push-ups, 2min of max sit-ups and a 2-mile run.

Here is the kicker I don't do push-ups (I should though), I get my "ab" work from lifting heavy shit and squatting and I do not even remotely come close to running 2-miles ever (actually log about 0-miles a month running). Oh yeah and i'm of Adult Male weight 200+ pounds.

So the APFT is on a point scale per event, 60 points is passing with 100 points being the max. I maxed the push-ups (77 reps), scored 82 points on the sit-ups (65 reps) and 62 points on the run (16:47) for a total of 243 out of 300.

I have found that the sit-ups are harder now, even though my mid-line is way stronger then when I was crossfitting and scoring 100% on the sit-ups, I find that doing the army type sit-up really burns out my hips. I can definately feel the difference of body weight from when I ran the 2-miles at 175lbs to now at 205lbs. But I'd rather be bigger and stronger any day of the week.

That being said, I hate running and think its horrible for your lower extremities, conventional sit-ups are horrible for your neck and spine and push-ups are ok, but not a good calculator of upper body strength (I'd suggest the pull-up or strict press). With all of that I passed my APFT without any issues or undue stress about not passing. Just Sayin

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Mark Rippetoe Article

"If I had a thousand dollars for every squat I see in my gym done above parallel, I'd be a broke motherfucker. This is because we don't allow partial squats on the premises"._Rippetoe