Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big Day in Whoville Again

Snatch 162lbs New PR
C & J 205lbs New PR
Back Squat 300lbs New PR

*Today was the first time I used a powerlifting belt for Back Squat and went from 265 to 300lbs

Back Squat 405lbs New PR


  1. So what's the deal with weighlifting belts?

    It's about 50/50 for olympic caliber lifters in a match setting and basically every video you've posted on here doesn't include a belt. I've seen some literature for it and against it. The biggest fault against it apparently are the "training scars" of relying too much on it. 35# increase sort of speaks for itself though.

    Is it only for certain lifts? PR days?

  2. We are just using it for Back Squat and only Back Squat (legs feed the wolf) and that leaves Snatch, C&J, FS, DL, etc. being done with out a belt so mid-line stability isn't being weakend
