Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Articles

1 comment:

  1. as i read this article i was thinking that man, we have been saying this same thing for how long? answer many moons. People think that in order to have a good crossfit experience or even a good workout experience that they need to do this nutty movements that not even Houdini could do. As we all know through training and teaching that 90% of the people that come into the gym can't do 75% of these super neat movements that crossfit says need to be mastered inorder to be in good shape. what ever happened to being able to pushups and pullups. Most people can't lift their own body weight but expect to be able to dips on rings or muscle ups or someother fancy movement that requires an extraordinary amount of strength. Why can't these people do this, well because they can't lift their own body weight, but they can take a ncie picture of them lifting 135lbs off a monolift or doing an overheadsquat with 95lbs and call themselves animals. most crossfitters are so weak because they don't focus on strength. As i read this article i couldn't agree more with what was said. These people are weak, and being weak is what leads to all sorts of bad things when you get older. We all know that this happened to us when we Crossfitted. We got weak, well not as bad as some people but for out standards weak none the less. We have all cut the fat off the training and gone back to basics. that is a good thing, we can maintain our strength by doing basic movments and still keep our lungs going by just running. wow that was hard, now 10 rounds of this and get up the next day and go hiking, o wait you can't because your kidneys just flowed out of your eyes and your asshole turned inside out, but atleast you had a great one day work out while you take 1 month off to recover from it. If that's not progress i don't know what is.

    team darwin in adventure race 2.26.2011
